2025-03-13 16:25:20
CEO Steve Veevers: Today’s NHS action proves we can move fast – let’s do the same for social care
Today’s announcement that the government plans to abolish NHS England rightly prioritises frontline healthcare services, recognising the urgent need to tackle waiting lists and improve outcomes. Yet once again, social care is an afterthought in the conversation.
Successive governments have tried to ‘fix’ the NHS while ignoring social care. It hasn’t worked before, and it won’t work now. You cannot solve the NHS crisis without solving the social care crisis.
According to NHSE’s own data, this month one in seven beds in the NHS are occupied by people who no longer need acute care but cannot be discharged into social care settings.
But Wes Streeting’s statement in Parliament today made no mention of social care. I am grateful that MPs like Alison Bennett chose to highlight the ongoing crisis in our sector and press the government for robust action. Social care is a crucial piece of the puzzle, missed by successive governments, and if there are to be meaningful, sector-wide reforms, we cannot be the “poor relation” yet again.
The social care workforce is in crisis, providers are struggling to stay afloat and councils are forced to make impossible choices. The people who draw on our support are the ones who will suffer the most if the government doesn’t get this right. We need a holistic solution which recognises that health and social care services are intrinsically linked.
The Health Secretary told MPs today that we won’t have to wait until 2028 – or even until next year – to see the benefits of the Casey Commission. That is a commitment that must be backed up with immediate action. Cross-party talks must begin in earnest, as too must engagement with care providers and the people who draw on our support. As a sector, we would welcome the view of those essential first steps in the Commission early.
Nobody can deny that the government has been bold today. It should apply the same courageous urgency to social care reform rather than deferring meaningful change while the system continues its slow collapse.
Hft will always be on hand to support the government to find, and fix, the problems in our system. These reforms can’t afford to wait until 2028, nor do they need to.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Veevers
Chief Executive Officer
Notes to editors
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About Hft
Proudly established in 1962 by a group of visionary parents, Hft is a charity supporting more than 2,500 learning disabled adults in England and Wales. Together, we are creating a future where learning disabled people and their families can live the best life possible.
Providing personalised support. Creating solutions for living independently. Coming together to campaign for positive change. Fundraising for new opportunities and a bigger impact.
In 2033, we’ll live in a world where learning disabled people have greater choice. About where they live. The support they need and want. And how to spend their time and money.
Learning disability versus difficulty
A learning disability is different from a learning difficulty but the terms are often confused and used inter-changeably. A learning difficulty does not affect general intellect, whereas a learning disability is a life-long condition characterised by a reduced intellectual ability and struggle with everyday activities.
For more information about Hft please visit www.hft.org.uk